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Blue Line

Research & Consulting


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Civil and Criminal Actions

Are you being sued? Do you need to sue someone? Have you been accused of, or have you’ve been the victim of a crime? BLRC stands ready to help you and walk with you during this difficult time. We are not attorneys, but we have an intimate understanding of the complicated criminal and civil processes.

Database Search

Do you want to conduct a background search on a person? Need to find that long-lost loved one? Want to know the owner of a phone number? Does someone owe you money and skipped out? BLRC has access to databases not available to the general public to find your answers.


Are you looking for a location to be watched or a person followed? Let BLRC handle this for you and provide proof with video, photo, and other documented evidence. Rates are reduced October to May. *This service has a limited area of coverage.
Contact us for details.

Security Assessments

Do you feel safe in your home, neighborhood, or workplace? With our experience in Crime Free Multi-housing, and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design programs, BLRC will assess the security of your home or business. We can make recommendations on alarms, surveillance cameras, and locking mechanisms.

Professional Reports and Documentation

Don’t take my word for it, read all about it! You want to retain BLRC due to a conflict, to resolve that conflict, you will need factual, accurate, and unquestionable proof supporting your version of events or stance on an issue. We take great pride in providing professional documentation suitable for any litigation or other purpose. From your first call to us, to when your matter is resolved, we will provide investigative logs, time/expense reports, and a complete, factual, and accurate case summary. We turn your complicated situation into well written report that is easily understood by any reader.